Results for 'John Michael Kirby'

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  1.  9
    Enhancing the Quality of Learning: Dispositions, Instruction, and Learning Processes.John R. Kirby & Michael J. Lawson (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    High quality learning is extensive, well integrated, deep, and supports the use of knowledge in new situations that require adaptation of what has been learned previously. This book reviews current research on the nature of high quality learning and the factors that facilitate or inhibit it. The book addresses relationships between quality of learning and learners' dispositions, teaching methods, cognitive strategies, assessment and technologies that can support learning. The chapters provide theoretical analyses, reports of classroom research, and suggestions for practical (...)
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    Access to elements of a memorized list.Michael C. Corballis, John Kirby & Avrum Miller - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 94 (2):185.
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  3. Experiences: An Inquiry Into Some Ambiguities.John Michael Hinton - 1973 - Oxford, GB: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Someone who has more sympathy with traditional empiricism than with much of present-day philosophy may ask himself: 'How do my experiences give rise to my beliefs about an external world, and to what extent do they justify them?' He wants to refer, among other things, to unremarkable experiences, of a sort which he cannot help believing to be so extremely common that it would be ridiculous to call them common experiences. He mainly has in mind sense-experiences, and he thinks of (...)
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    Cassirer, Neo-Kantianism and Metaphysics.John Michael Krois - 1992 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 97 (4):437 - 453.
    Cassirer hat sich — wie der späte Cohen und der späte Natorp — von der Marburger Beschränkung auf Erkenntnistheorie entfernt. In bisher unpublizierten Texten aus der Emigrationszeit befaßte Cassirer sich mit dem Problem der Metaphysik. Goethes Lehre von den Urphänomenen und die Gestalttheorie Kurt Goldsteins beeinflußten Cassirers späte Theorie der « Basisphänomene ». Diese neue Denkrichtung knüpfte an die Symboltheorie Cassirers an und wies auf ihren Ausgang hin. Tout comme Cohen et Natorp dans leur œuvre tardive, Cassirer s'est situé au-delà (...)
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  5. Can We Trust Our Senses?: Yes!John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018
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  6. Paranoias are Inverted Desires.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    Paranoias are unconscious desires that are represented in consciousness as fears. In being paranoid, one unconsciously desires what one consciously fears.
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  7. Probabilistic Causation.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2015 - Madison: Freud Institute.
    In this paper, it is shown that an event E can be the cause of an event E* even if there is a less than 100% likelihood that, given an arbitrary E-similar event, an E*-similar event will ensue.
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  8. Psychopathy in Relation to the Insurance Industry.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2017 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    Insurance agents are confidence-men--con men--and that is what psychopaths are; and that is why psychopaths are drawn to the insurance industry, which is the insurance industry is so tightly regulated.
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  9. The Psychology of the Bureaucrat.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    A bureaucrat is somebody who has surrendered all of his decision-making responsibilities to the bureaucracy that employs him. So long as a given person’s decision-making protocol is capable of being in conflict with the bureaucracy that hosts him, that person is not a bureaucrat. And so long as that condition obtains, he can be internally conflicted, since, under that circumstance, he has two decision-making protocols, one corresponding to the bureaucracy in question and one that is his own. For this reason (...)
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  10. Zero-sum Contexts.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2017 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    A context that is not expanded by the intelligence within it---that is only internally articulated by that intelligence---is a zero-sum context and is therefore not worth being in.
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  11. Philosophy outdoors : First person physical.John Michael Atherton - 2007 - In Mike J. McNamee (ed.), Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports. London ;Routledge.
  12.  80
    Non-declarative sentences.John-Michael Kuczynski - forthcoming - Principia.
    If S is any well-formed and significant question or command having the form "...the phi...", Russell's Theory of Descriptions entails (i) that S is syntactically ambiguous, and (ii) that there is at least one disambiguation of S that is syntactically ill-formed. Given that each of (i) and (ii) is false, so is the Theory of Descriptions.
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    Outline of a Marxist Commodity Theory of the Public Sphere.John Michael Roberts - 2017 - Historical Materialism 25 (1):3-35.
    In recent years, the public sphere, which represents a realm in civil society where people can debate and discuss a range of issues and common concerns important to them, has become a key area for research in the humanities and social sciences. Arguably, however, Marxist theory has yet to advance a theoretical account of the most abstract and simple ideological properties of the capitalist public sphere as these appear under universal commodity relationships. The paper therefore tentatively seeks to develop such (...)
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  14. Intelligibility of Nature: A William A. Wallace Reader.John Hittinger, Tkacz Michael & Daniel Wagner (eds.) - 2023 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    The intelligibility of nature was a persistent theme of William A. Wallace, OP, one of the most prolific Catholic scholars of the late twentieth century. This Reader aims to make available a representative selection of his work in the history of science, natural philosophy, and theology illustrating his defense and development of this central theme. Wallace is among the most important Galileo scholars of the past fifty years and a key figure in the recent revival of scientific realism. Further, his (...)
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  15. A Critical Analysis of Donald Davidson's Philosophy of Action.John Michael Mcguire - 1995 - Dissertation, The University of British Columbia (Canada)
    This thesis is a critical examination of three influential and interrelated aspects of Donald Davidson's philosophy of action. The first issue that is considered is Davidson's account of the logical form of action-sentences. After assessing the argument in support of Davidson's account, and suggesting certain amendments to it, I show how this modified version of Davidson's account can be extended to provide for more complicated types of action-sentences. The second issue that is considered is Davidson's views concerning the individuation of (...)
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    Davidson on Metaphorical Meaning: A Reply to Stainton.John Michael McGuire - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (2):355-.
    That the central thesis of Donald Davidson’s classic article on metaphor “What Metaphor Means” (WMM) is ambiguous between a weak and a strong interpretation is the primary claim that I sought to establish in my article “Sentence Meaning, Speaker Meaning, and Davidson’s Denial of Metaphorical Meaning.” In addition to this, I argued that the weak claim is trivially true and the strong claim is obviously false. Therefore, I concluded that when the central thesis of WMM is disambiguated, it is insignificant. (...)
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  17.  22
    The Stylistics of Competent Speaking.John Michael Roberts - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (6):91-114.
    It has been noted that certain similarities can be detected between the work of the Bakhtin Circle and the work of Jürgen Habermas. While I do not deny that these sorts of similarities can be detected, I also argue that the insights of the Bakhtin Circle can be used to provide the basis of a critique of Habermas. My specific aim is to show how Habermas perpetuates a ‘stylistic’ approach to discourse theory. ‘Stylistics’, as conceived by the Bakhtin Circle, explores (...)
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    Self-Effacing Barbie: The Ideal, the Real and the Quest for Authentic Selfhood.John Michael Corrigan & Justin Prystash - 2025 - Film-Philosophy 29 (1):1-22.
    This article argues that the immediate critical responses to the blockbuster film Barbie (Greta Gerwig, 2023), which diverged along ideological lines, fail to account for the extent to which the film undercuts the very ideological divisions that sustain them. Rather than or in addition to presenting a left-wing or right-wing critique of contemporary gender roles, the film positions this contest within the vexed relationship between the ideal and the real. This metaphysical quandary is what propels the protagonists on a Buddhist-inspired (...)
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  19. Two Kinds of Bureaucracies.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    There are two kinds of bureaucracies: those that serve some non-bureaucratic purpose, albeit in a bureaucratic way, and those whose only purpose is to create more bureaucracy.
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  20. Frege, Logic, and Logicism.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - Amazon Digital Services LLC.
    Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) invented the discipline of mathematical logic. In this short work, it is clearly stated what Frege did and did not accomplish.
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  21. Can One Grasp Propostions Without Knowing a Language?John-Michael Kuczynski - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (2).
    Wittgenstein and Brandom both say that knowledge of a language constitutes one's ability to think. Further, they say that a language is an essentially public entity: so to know a language, and to be able to think, consist in one's being embedded in a public practice of some kind. Wittgenstein provides two famous arguments for this: his "private-language" and "rule-following" arguments. Brandom develops these arguments. In this paper, I argue that the Wittgenstein-Brandom view strips anyone of the ability to mean (...)
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  22. Two Kinds of Insanity: And Other Philosophical Papers.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - JOHN-MICHAEL KUCZYNSKI.
    This volume contains lively, yet penetrating examinations of issues of crucial importance, including: the nature of rationality, the different ways in which rationality can be corrupted, the nature of persistence in time, the nature of our knowledge of the future, and the nature of purely conceptual truths and our knowledge thereof.
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  23. Proof of the Incompleteness of Deductive Logic.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - Amazon Digital Services LLC.
    This short work proves the incompleteness of deductive logic. In other words, it proves that there is no recursive definition of K, where K is the class of all systems of logic.
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  24. Anger.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - JOHN-MICHAEL KUCZYNSKI.
    It is discussed why it is beneficial to let go of anger. To this end, the teachings of the Buddha are discussed.
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  25. A non-Russellian treatment of the referential/attributive distinction.John Michael Kuczynski - 2004 - Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (2):253-294.
    Kripke made a good case that ..... the phi....,, is not semantically ambiguous between referential and attributive meanings. Russell says that .... .the phi....,, is always to be analyzed attributively. Many semanticists, agreeing with Kripke that "...the phi....,, is not ambiguous, have tried to give a Russellian analysis of the referential-attributive distinction: the gross deviations between what is communicated by "...the phi".. on the one hand, and what Russell's theory says it literally means, on the other, are chalked up to (...)
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  26. Dictionary of Analytic Philosophy.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2019 - Madison Wisconsin: Philosophypedia.
    Key terms of analytic philosophy defined.
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    Outline of a Theory of Knowledge.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - JOHN-MICHAEL KUCZYNSKI.
    It is made clear what discursive knowledge is and how we acquire it, and some age-old skeptical views are shown to be incoherent. It is shown that all knowledge is to some degree inferential. At the same time, it is shown that there are three quite distinct senses in which empirical knowledge can be inferential. It is proved that we have a priori knowledge, and also that knowledge of non-empirical truths is needed to acquire empirical knowledge. Finally, it is clearly (...)
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  28. Quantum Determinism.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: J.-M. Kuczynski.
    It is argued that the quantum realm is deterministic.
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  29. Éthique.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018
    Une introduction rapide aux problèmes fondamentaux de l'éthique, ce travail consiste en des réponses pointues et profondes aux questions fondamentales: * les obligations légales ont-elles un poids moral? * peut-on agir immoralement envers soi-même? * Quelle est la base objective des revendications morales légitimes? * Comment savons-nous le bien du mal? * Comment peut-il y avoir une responsabilité morale dans un monde déterministe? -/- Rigoureux mais accessible, ce travail est une introduction idéale à l'éthique analytique et à la théorie de (...)
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  30.  30
    The Academy and Cyberspace Ethics.John Michael Kittross & A. David Gordon - 2003 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 18 (3-4):286-307.
    This article discusses ethical implications for the academy in the use of cyberspace and virtual reality in conducting its teaching and research responsibilities. It identifies important cyberspace ethics concerns as they intersect with the academy and provides an ethical framework for coming to grips with them. Topics discussed here include the sine qua non of academic collegiality and civility, concerns about digital alteration of images and sounds, and issues pertaining to academic administration and infrastructure.
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    Getting Beyond the Narratives: An Open Letter to the Activist Community.John Michael Greer - 2018 - Anthropology of Consciousness 29 (2):147-165.
    This is my response to a book, Globalize Liberation, edited by David Solnit and published in 2004. Media activists James John Bell and Patrick Reinsborough sent me a copy and asked for my thoughts about it; the result turned into an essay of some length, which got a certain amount of exposure and discussion online. Looking at the travails of progressive activism since its publication, I find very little that needs revision, except the tone of relative optimism expressed toward (...)
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  32. "Philosophy of Culture and Cultural Studies: rnst Cassirer and the Paradigm Change in the" Humanf.John Michael Krois - 2002 - In Gunnar Foss & Eivind Kasa (eds.), Forms of knowledge and sensibility: Ernst Cassirer and the human sciences. Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget. pp. 19.
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  33. Kant's Ethics.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    In this book, Kant's ethical system is clearly stated and carefully critiqued. In the process, cogent answers are given to the following questions: -/- *What is the relationship between self-interest and morality? *What is the relationship between morality and rationality? *What is the nature of rationality? *What is the difference between rationality and intelligence? *What is the relationship between awareness of moral norms and awareness of logical norms? -/- A must-read for anyone interested in philosophical psychology, moral epistemology, or Kant-interpretation, (...)
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    Mathematical Logic and Formal Arithmetic: Key Definitions and Principles.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - Amazon Digital Services LLC.
    This books states, as clearly and concisely as possible, the most fundamental principles of set-theory and mathematical logic. Included is an original proof of the incompleteness of formal logic. Also included are clear and rigorous definitions of the primary arithmetical operations, as well as clear expositions of the arithmetic of transfinite cardinals.
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  35. Neuroses as Ways of Containing Psychoses.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018
    Neuroses are secondary mental illnesses, it being their purpose to contain psychoses.
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  36. No Difference between Psychopathy and Lack of Autonomy.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    There is no difference between autonomy and non-psychopathy or, equivalently, between psychopathy and non-autonomy. Or rather, there is a difference, but it is tenuous, in that someone who is non-autonomous is non-psychopathic only as long the institution that hosts him is non-psychopathic. So his non-psychopathy, being borrowed, is both weak and ultimately devoid of reality.
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  37. Obsessive Fear as Unconscious Desire.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - JOHN-MICHAEL KUCZYNSKI.
    Obsessive fears are unconscious desires. The woman who is obsessively afraid that her phone is tapped actually wants her phone to be tapped; that is, she wants someone to pay attention to her. A neurotic fear of such and such is actually an unconscious desire for such and such, this being the topic of this brutally honest exchange.
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  38. Neurosis vs. Psychosis: And Other Psychoanalytic Vignettes.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - JOHN-MICHAEL KUCZYNSKI.
    Some psychoanalytic truths are identified and some of their practical corollaries are identified.
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  39. What is Depression?John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    If a person has done what he should have done, he is satisfied. If he is in the process of doing what he should do, he is happy but not content. If he is trying to do what he should do but he is being thwarted in his efforts, he is frustrated but not depressed. If, having been thwarted in his attempts to do what he should do, he resigns himself to failure, then he is depressed.
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  40. Are we computers?: A Wittgensteinian approach.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2003 - Existentia 13 (3-4):219-238.
  41. Brokesters.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    An explanation of the psychology of the bureaucrat and of bureaucratic institutions.
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  42. Jesus vs. Socrates: Religious vs. Secular Perspectives.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2020 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    This short work puts forth two answers to the question: In what ways are Jesus and Socrates similar? One of these answers is put forth by a Christian and embodies a deeply Christian perspective, and the other is put forth by two non-Christians, working jointly, and embodies a decidedly secular perspective. The question was first raised by the Christian author.
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    Non-Declarative Sentences and the Theory of Definite Descriptions.John Michael Kuczynski - 2004 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 8 (1):119-154.
    This paper shows that Russell’s theory of descriptions gives the wrong semantics for definite descriptions occurring in questions and imperatives. Depending on how that theory is applied, it either assigns nonsense to perfectly meaningful questions and assertions or it assigns meanings that diverge from the actual semantics of such sentences, even after all pragmatic and contextual variables are allowed for. Given that Russell’s theory is wrong for questions and assertions, it must be wrong for assertoric statements; for the semantics of (...)
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  44. Aggregative Properties and Emergent Properties.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - Amazon Digital Services LLC.
    It is said what aggregative properties are and also what emergent properties are, and examples are given each of kind of property. It is also explained why, even though all emergent properties are aggregative properties, not all aggregative properties are emergent properties. It is further made clear that, strictly speaking, emergence is a property of one's knowledge of a given kind of aggregate, and not of such aggregates themselves, this being why a property that is emergent at one time will, (...)
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  45. Basic Laws of the Predicate Calculus.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018
    The most basic laws and principles of the Predicate Calculus, also known as Quantification Theory, are stated, as clearly and concisely as possible.
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  46. Connaissances philosophiques: Ce qu'elle est et pourquoi la philosophie-les départements ne veulent pas que vous l'ayez.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018
    Les sciences empiriques font des suppositions qu'elles ne sont pas elles-mêmes capables de justifier. La philosophie justifie ces hypothèses; C'est son travail.
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  47. Functions, Bijections, and Mapping-Relations.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - JOHN-MICHAEL KUCZYNSKI.
    The significance of the concept of a mathematical transformation is explained. In particular, it is explained how to construct true statements concerning n-dimensional spaces, for arbitrary n, on the basis of true statements concerning two-dimensional spaces.
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  48. ¿Qué es el conocimiento?: Un curso intensivo en epistemología.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018
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  49. Semantics.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - Amazon Digital Services LLC.
    This book concisely states the main laws and precepts of formal logic along with their immediate corollaries. Commentary is kept to a minimum.
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  50. The Bureaucrat’s Intellectual Configuration.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison: Freud Institute.
    The bureaucrat's intellectual configuration is identical with the psychopath's.
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